- +39 049 658101
- sales@manava.it
Mânava! Hospitality First is a hotel management software with a simple and innovative approach. A completely cloud-native solution that will help you reduce your total IT cost and drastically simplify your hotel management tasks.
Easy to use,
everything at the click of a mouse!
Mânava! Hospitality First is hosted centrally on Cloud servers, which allows for significant savings in IT infrastructure, as well as for our technicians to monitor its operation remotely.
"Mânava!" (literally, prestige or power residing in the bowels) is a Tahitian expression representing the seat of great emotions, feelings and sensations, what we in the western world call the heart. When a Tahitian greets a visitor by saying "Manava!", it means that he has opened his home and his heart to him.

The guest is therefore obliged to accept board and lodging but, above all, to share the good and bad moments of the day. The visitor will be welcomed, pampered and, at the same time, become the host who received him or her: from now on, the guest will in turn become the heart of the house.
Mânava! Hospitality First is a hotel management software platform with a simple and innovative approach; a fully Cloud-native solution that will help you reduce your total IT cost and drastically simplify your hotel management, hospitality spread and cellar hospitality activities.
With Mânava! Hospitality First there is no need for local servers, because both software and data reside in cloud servers. The entire software solution runs on a virtualised VMware Cluster, a secure, reliable and redundant platform offered by VMware and Microsoft.
Mânava! Hospitality First is cloud-native and, as a result, no upfront investment is required. The software is offered for a monthly subscription fee calculated on the basis of the number of occupied rooms, and includes the use of the software, hosting, archiving, bookings from your own website and many other services. The fee also includes support and maintenance, including that of the main interfaces. The only thing you need is a PC or Mac with a web browser. Nothing more, nothing less! This is Mânava! Hospitality First the Cloud-based hotel software.
Manava General Overview
Inside Manager Flash Report
Mânava! Hospitality First includes the functions you need and in particular:
Property Management (PMS) with all the functions you need to manage the reception of customers, from booking, to check-in to checkout, with all the exports that will save you recurring and time-consuming operations.
Point-of-sale (POS) management that allows you to use any fixed or mobile device to manage the sale of over-the-counter products, beverages, food, services, access to restricted areas (wellness, fitness, conference rooms); with a fully integrated, simple system that even goes as far as transferring every single detail of the receipt to your customer’s accounts.
Customer relationship management (CRM) with an integrated interface and without wasting your time using external mail clients; the integrated CRM system automatically attaches incoming e-mails to profiles and notifies you of the request, allowing you to respond in a structured manner and from predetermined templates, directly linked to the booking.
Cellar Hospitality Management dedicated to the management of cellar visits: management of visit and tasting spaces, tour assignment, group checkin management, individual participant accounts, purchase and product debits, issuing of tax documents, statistics and dedicated reporting; all these functions in a single interface borrowed from the PMS/POS but dedicated specifically to cellar hospitality.
Hospitality management for Albergo Diffuso, designed for realities that manage the allocation of flats instead of rooms, direct interface with Internet booking channels (IDS), runnner interface for remote checkin, digital payment, issuing of tax documents, statistics and dedicated reporting; all these functions in a single integrated interface specifically dedicated to Albergo Diffuso.
Our Customers
Mânava! simplifies and automates all hotel management, hospitality spreads, and winery hospitality operations.

Here are some of Mânava's strengths! Hospitality First
Multilingual Adaptive
Manava! is completely bi-lingual: on the operator side and on the customer side. This means that you can decide which language is to be applied to the hotel operator by defining its language on the user definition panel.
At the next login, the interface will be in the selected language and the administrator users will be able to dynamically modify the menu bars defined for each language and for each specific user. The same approach is available for the guest side: this means that, depending on the language of the guest defined in his or her profile, Manava! automatically translates all material coming out of the system (e-mails and various documents) so that the guest can read in his or her own language. Again, the administrator users have the possibility of dynamically modifying the correlation of words and phrases for each specific language, including the e-mail templates used in CRM.
Starting with a standard basic configuration, loaded during the installation process, all translations can be customised for each hotel at any time.
Sales channel management (via web services)
Mânava! includes sales channel management functions and this functionality ensures that the different sales channels in use at the hotel are informed about changes in room availability and changes in rates and restrictions. In this way, numerous online travel agencies as well as global distribution systems (GDSs) can be connected:
Bookings created through these channels are automatically captured and created in the Mânava!
The benefits are:
- Single image of availability: all channels obtain availability from the same container, the PMS itself, rather than from disconnected information that must be managed for the individual channel.
- Rates can vary automatically based on the occupancy level of the hotel: this means that the hotel can remain available on all connected channels, even on busy days and without the risk of overbooking.
- No need to log into the OTAs’ extranet or channel management software and have to use software with which one is unfamiliar. No learning curve is required to manage different channels by multiple staff members; no need to study the correct user rights on who can make changes to what is made available online and avoid the situation where nothing happens when a staff member is not present.
- No more backlog to manage as bookings are entered into the system automatically and, as a result, there is no more accumulation of bookings that still need to be accounted for. This saves time, but above all it allows your availability to be always up-to-date.
Proactive technical support and helpdesk
Mânava! is hosted centrally in Cloud servers and this allows our technicians to monitor the software in each hotel. For example, our help desk will be able to see that communication with the switchboard is down before it is even noticed locally, and in such cases, our help desk will contact the user. The same happens if it is the user who contacts technical support.
The Mânava! Cloud infrastructure is manned by individual account managers who are your single point of contact for all support issues. Whether you wish to discuss the inclusion of additional software, have a question about our invoices or need to obtain detailed information on Mânava! functionality, you are always assisted by the same person.
Mânava! Box
An interface controller with style. Mânava!Box is a local server interface controller and is the link between local systems and the Mânava! Hospitality First in the Cloud. It is designed so that users do not need to intervene after the initial configuration, and should it need to be reset, staff only need to press a reset button. Mânava!Box was developed to be able to handle both network and local serial and parallel communications.
It handles all local protocol commands and communicates with the central Mânava! software to update either the database or to retrieve data that is requested from one of the local systems, such as
- Point of Sales (POS) [over-the-counter sales systems].
- Key Card Systems
- Minibar systems
- PayTV (MultiMedia)
- Telephone Call Accounting (TCA)
- Telephone lines (PABX)
- Voice cassette systems
Mânava!Box must be connected to the local area network (LAN) of the facility and must be able to reach Mânava! Hospitality First on the Internet; from our offices, we can perform all the necessary configurations for connections to the various local systems.
- Equipped with 1 COM-DB9 serial port (DTE) and if further serial ports are required, simply add more USB-2-Serial Connectors
- Equipped with 8 USB Host ports. These ports can be used for two different functions:
1) to load new software from a memory stick, used in case the server cannot be reached via the LAN/WAN Ethernet network.
2) to write log files to a memory stick - Equipped with 1 Gigabit port with standard RJ-45 connector to access the LAN and the central Mânava! server on the Internet.
The Mânava!Box needs a dedicated power supply connection (with UPS) and an Ethernet LAN connection. Power over Ethernet (PoE) is not supported.
A Mânava!Box is required for each hotel.
Placement is required in a space close to the systems to be connected via serial/parallel cables (max. 10 metres).
Mânava!Box has no moving parts.
The Controller Interface Mânava!Box complies with the requirements of conducted and radiated emissions EN 55022, 2006 as a class A device. It also complies with EN 55024: 2010. It also complies with EN 61000-3-2: 2000 + Amendment A2: 2005 and EN 61000-3-3: 1995 + Amendments A1: 2001 and A2.
2005ICC-1044 Controller Interface Mânava Compliant FCC Part 15 Subparts A and B as a Class A Unintentional Radiator when the methods as described in ANSI C63.4 – 2003 are applied
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Web booking
CRS (Simple Booking)
4 support tickets included
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Web booking
CRS (Simple Booking)
10 support tickets included
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